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Mathews planners move forward with proposed ordinance changes

The Mathews County Planning Commission voted Tuesday night to move forward with proposals for changes to the zoning and subdivision ordinances. The changes, if ultimately approved by the board of supervisors, would reduce the amount residents have to pay for certain procedures related to compliance with ordinances.

RPA requirements

The commission voted to ask the board of supervisors to set a joint public hearing on a proposal to delete a requirement in the subdivision ordinance for a second delineation of the Resource Protection Area.

Planning and zoning director John Shaw said that, under the current subdivision ordinance, a property owner must have the RPA delineated both when the plat for the entire subdivision is submitted and when the plan of development for a particular lot is due for review. This means that the same analysis has to be performed twice, said Shaw.

Often in Mathews, he said, property is subdivided but homes aren’t built right away, and a subdivisio...

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