At its annual Volunteer Appreciation Day Oyster Roast in December, Mathews Land Conservancy presented Pam and David Muffelman with the organization’s Distinguished Service Award for their decades of “quiet dedication and staunch support” of MLC’s mission, according to a release.
“Their love for the local waterways and Chesapeake Bay runs deep, from their own little slice of heaven on the East River to their son Matt’s lifelong involvement in rowing,” the release stated. The Muffelmans have given their time, talents and financial support to the organization.
“Pam’s green thumb and love of flowers is evident in the beautiful and bountiful planters that appear every spring and are lovingly maintained through the summer,” the release said. “David mounts his tractor regularly to keep Bayside Landing looking clean and presentable for visitors. And they both are very vocal and passionate MLC advocates—sharing their extensive historical knowledge and growing collection of artifacts from the or...
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