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Mathews Christmas Store returns Dec. 13-14

The annual Mathews County Christmas Store, sponsored by the Mathews County Department of Social Services and community volunteers, will be held all day Friday and Saturday, Dec. 13 and 14, at Kingston Parish House on Main Street in Mathews.
Working together for the past 30 years, the agency and volunteers have made the holidays a little brighter and more joyful for those in need, said coordinator Bernadette La Casse in a press release.
As the holidays approach, some families must choose between paying bills and buying presents for the family, said La Casse. The Christmas Store fills that gap—providing an opportunity to keep the holiday giving spirit alive and well.
Last year, the event served 530 members of the community, allowing them to bring joy to their families at the holidays, said La Casse.
“Recipients are truly grateful for this holiday program,” she said. “Giving is truly better than receiving.”
Items needed this year are:
Monetary contributions. ...

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