Mathews supervisors wrangled over issues with Hole in the Wall Waterfront Grill once again at its most recent meeting, with supervisor Mike Walls initially moving that the county sue the restaurant for breach of lease and “start all over.”
That motion was ultimately amended to having the board seek legal advice on the matter and was passed unanimously. The monthly meeting was held on Thursday, Feb. 27, in the historic courthouse.
Walls prefaced the lengthy discussion with the comment that there had been a lot of talk about the issue in closed sessions and that “it’s time the public knows what’s going on.”
He gave a recent history of the actions the board has taken to deal with its problems with the restaurant, which is owned by the county and leased to the restaurant owners. He said that last August the board called in the attorneys for the county’s insurance company, Virginia Risk Sharing Association, to discuss the matter, and those attorneys recommended that the county file suit aga...
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