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Mathews BOS releases Strategic Work Plan

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors has released its 2024-2025 Strategic Work Plan, developed in cooperation with The Berkley Group, which held an all-day work session with supervisors last November.
The six-page plan contains an outline of priorities the board seeks to address in a range of areas, from infrastructure needs to economic development.
The board has already taken action on the first item on its infrastructure list—an energy audit of public buildings, including the schools. It received an interim update in January from Schneider Electric of Richmond, which was contracted to conduct the audit. The company suggested that construction on upgrades could begin this year.
Other items under infrastructure include conducting a space and program needs analysis of the schools, studying options for municipal water and sewer, and developing a public facility master plan for county buildings by the end of the year.
Under economic development, the plan calls for the board to consider...

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