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Mathews Art Group going strong at 20th anniversary

Mathews artists dreamed of a gallery of their own for 30 years before it became a reality, and now that gallery has been going strong for 20 years. The Mathews Art Group held a 20th anniversary celebration for its gallery Tuesday evening.

Lamae Shaw and Mary Keen, two of the founding members of the gallery, recalled its establishment. Shaw said she discovered that the building on Main Street in Mathews was available and rushed to tell other members. They quickly called a meeting, met with the building’s owner, and made a deal in record time. The gallery, which opened under the direction of the late Patty Zierow, has been a success ever since.

"It’s the perfect location, the building is reasonable, and everybody supports us," said Shaw.

The building hasn’t changed much over time, she said, but the art has.

"I think it’s better than it’s ever been," she said. "Everybody improves with time and age."

Both ladies are r...

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