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Masseuse joins Hayes Therapeutic Massage Center; certified instructor in infant massage

Samantha E. Mullen recently has joined the staff of Hayes Therapeutic Massage Center, Hayes. She is a licensed massage therapist and a certified infant massage instructor.

Mullen specializes in infant massage, in classes where parents learn how to perform massages for their young children. The classes are designed so Mullen—sometimes assisted by her daughter Taven—demonstrate massage strokes on dolls, while the parents can practice on their infants.

The infant massage is useful for newborns and for toddlers, Mullen said, which may help improve a youngster’s immune system, and may result in a strong bond between parents and their children.

She also offers other massage services, including deep tissue massage, maternity and fertility massage.

Mullen works part-time for now and hopes to expand to full-time soon. Classes are offered individually and in groups at the center’s second-floor classroom.

She is certified by the International Living Touch Found...

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