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Locals to appear in movie

Heroic Pictures filmed a scene Aug. 31 at Historic Christ Church in Weems for the upcoming film “The American Miracle,” due to be released in 2025. Volunteer extras George, Donna, Ruth and Peter Machen of Foster portrayed church members during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia listening to the Rev. James Campbell’s July 4, 1787 sermon. They sang the congregational anthem, “Chester.” Their family is pictured with the statesmen characters as follows: seated, Benjamin Franklin; standing from left. George Machen, George Washington, Peter Machen, Luther Martin, Gunning Bedford Jr., James Madison Jr., Ruth Machen and Donna Machen. The film’s executive producer and director, Tim P. Mahoney, is known for his picture series, “Patterns of Evidence.” According to its website, Heroic Pictures “is an international film production company telling true stories of God acting in history, shedding light on the lives of heroic people and events that have shaped our past and inspire our future...

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