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Local news items, including a case of typhoid fever

115 YEARS AGOThursday, July 29, 1909from the Mathews Journal
Miss Kate James has been quite sick for the past few days.
Miss Mary Downs and friend Miss Nellie Farror have been the pleasant guests of Mrs. W.F. Corbett.
Mrs. Arthur Small expects to move into her new home next to her father’s Mr. Wesley Gales, the first of August.
The friends of Mr. H.H.Hale, formerly proprietor of Hotel Mathews, will be sorry to learn he is ill in a hospital in Baltimore with typhoid fever.
Electric fans, call and door bells, switches, motors, etc., installed on short notice. Switches, batteries, wire and other supplies for sale. L.A. Drake, practical electrician, Mathews, Va.
110 YEARS AGOThursday, July 30, 1914from the Mathews Journal
Laban: Mr. Willie Brooks had the misfortune to lose a good horse on Saturday night.
Mrs. Lessie Forrest and little son Gordon are at Tabernacle, visiting Mrs. L.J. Forrest.
On Sunday Mrs. A.P. White and children came up to spend a while with her father, Mr. J.T. Hudgins.

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