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Library rescues Barbie ahead of ‘Barbie Blast’

There is a new fixture at Gloucester County Public Library, Main Street Center, just in time for Saturday’s “Barbie Blast.”
Administrative assistant Dolores Breen was working the circulation desk at the library on Saturday when a woman rushed in just before closing and said she had seen a Barbie doll, measuring three feet in height, at the DAV Thrift Store across the street in rough condition. The woman said she knew about the upcoming Barbie program at the library and insisted that the doll must be rescued.
After the library closed, Breen went across the street to the thrift store and found the doll. The Barbie was dirty, the color had been rubbed off her eyes, her hair was tangled and she had no clothes or shoes.
While waiting in line to purchase the Barbie, Breen began talking to another woman waiting in line. Breen told her why she was purchasing the Barbie and the woman told the clerk that she would pay for the Barbie as a donation to the library.
Breen took the doll home, where h...

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