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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Gazette-Journal on any subject of public interest are always welcome. The newspaper, however, cannot consider for publication a letter which does not carry the writer’s signature and address.

A physically signed copy must accompany each submission. That can be accomplished by photographing a signed copy and emailing that image to; sending a scanned PDF or JPEG image of the signed letter; faxing a signed copy to 804-693-7844; dropping the signed copy off at the newspaper’s Gloucester or Mathews offices; or mailing it to Gazette-Journal, P.O. Box 2060, Gloucester, Va., 23061.

Letters should also not exceed 300 words. Writers will please include a telephone number where they can be reached during the day. The right is reserved to edit letters.

The Gazette-Journal will not accept letters to Readers Write which comment on articles published in other periodicals. Also, space limitations often prevent publication of thank-you letters.

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