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Letter: YMCA project deserves county’s support

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I read with great interest the front-page story in the Gazette-Journal regarding the request for county support in funding the new Mathews Family YMCA. The Y has successful programs that benefit all age groups, especially the youngsters of the county.
Everyone can join and no one is turned away for inability to pay. The new facility would make a major expansion of those programs possible. In addition, the county will have a first-class Parks and Recreation facility, a rehabilitation facility for our aging population and a Category II hurricane survivable emergency shelter.
The Y has already raised $1.35 million, roughly $500,000 short of what is required to start the project. That last half million will be the hardest to secure. County support of $300,000 spread over two to five years is critical to success. The county supervisors should support this worthy project, as should all county residents.
Paul Vanden Bout
Susan, Va.

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