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Letter: Workers need to stick together

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing in response to the article titled, “Supervisors move ahead with budget process; 3 cent tax rate considered” in the March 10 issue of your newspaper. In this tax raise, Gloucester County is looking to improve employees’ wages to keep their employees from leaving to another county.
This is implying that employees in Gloucester County would rather leave their community where they have formed relationships and many even have family ties in pursuit of higher wages in neighboring counties. These employees that are leaving are losing their connection to our society and the communities in Gloucester County they have previously depended on.
In this community, the workers are not banning together and forcing higher wages. Instead, they are leaving and finding it elsewhere. If the workers powered together, they would probably be able to demand higher wages than offered to them now, but instead they are fragmenting the power they could have by leaving. I belie...

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