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Letter: Wonderful things in our community

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In the haste of the week, I often fail to acknowledge the many wonderful things happening in our county of Gloucester. This past weekend two events caught my eye.

First, there was a wonderful Children’s Craft Fair in the Court House. The young entrepreneurs were so delightful to chat with and very excited to sell the things that they had made. A big thank you to Gloucester Parks and Recreation for hosting this event.

Secondly, during a stroll down Main Street, I found all these new statues situated along the street. They were wonderful to look at and add so much charm to our historic town. Thank you to the Cook Foundation for sponsoring these.

Lastly, I’m sure many other volunteers were responsible for the arts events. Thank you to all the unsung heroes who are behind the scenes, but I don’t know your names. You are to be commended.

Karen BorjaGloucester, Va.

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