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Letter: Winebarger for Gloucester

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I have not written a letter to a newspaper in quite a while, but enough is enough. I just have to say it. I pass Mike Winebarger’s nice blue signs all around Petsworth … and then I see one at Freeport that somebody destroyed. I can’t believe this would happen in our community—especially to a man like Mike Winebarger.
We all know Mike is a regular guy who has lived in the Petsworth District for 14 years. Mike always answers our phone calls and has worked hard for us for 13 years on the planning commission and for eight years as our supervisor representative. That’s 21 years Mike Winebarger has been working for us.
Don’t worry, Mike. They can tear down your signs, but can’t tear down all the good you have done for us over 21 years. I am proud that you are the real Republican-nominated candidate running for re-election as our supervisor representative.
I will vote for you, Mike Winebarger, for Petsworth supervisor—and I will vote early in the registrar’s office, A...

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