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Letter: Winebarger for Board of Supervisors

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Mr. Gibson has knocked on doors and told voters he is a “Republican” when he is, in fact, running as an independent. Gibson says he’s a “Republican,” but he is running against Mike Winebarger, who is the one and only Republican nominee. When Gibson decided to run for supervisor, if he were really a “Republican,” why didn’t he run for the Republican nomination to run against the “independent” (aka Democrat) Kevin Smith, or to run against Winebarger and earn the Petsworth District Republican nomination?
In other words, Gibson made zero effort to compete for the Republican nomination for any office. I’ve been a member of the Gloucester GOP for many years and I can honestly say I have never seen Ken Gibson at a meeting or volunteering to work for any Republican candidates.
One characteristic of Republicans is that we respect property rights and always ask permission from all property owners before placing a sign on private property. Not all candidates have the same...

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