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Letter: Will you stand for transparency?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Congressman Wittman … Your constituents want to know whether President Trump’s business and/or his family’s business interests conflict with U.S. interests. Given the questions involving trust and honesty swirling around his presidency and the absence of information, how can we be assured that President Trump or his family are not furthering their own business interests, while at the same time conducting the nation’s business or furthering their interests outright, while in office? 
In an effort to limit any potential conflicts, wouldn’t it be prudent for you to vote to aggressively pursue obtaining President Trump’s tax returns, knowledge of the role he now plays in his financial interests and detailed information of Trump’s personal and his family’s interests, and their potential influence in our country’s decisions?
After my raising these issues with you in my letter to you of May 9, wherein I cited...

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