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Letter: Why is this necessary?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
At last week’s Mathews Board of Supervisors’ meeting, there was further discussion about giving away public land in the historic courthouse area to a private organization, the Sons of Confederate Veterans. My concerns are not about the monument that sits on the land, which is not going anywhere. They are about what I think is the dangerous precedent of giving away public land in the historic courthouse green to private organizations of any sort, whatever their cause.
I think we should consider two questions—why is this necessary? And why should we spend thousands of dollars in tax money for a survey so we can give away land that belongs to all Mathews citizens? All kinds of monuments or memorials can be erected here without giving the land away.
Second question—couldn’t there be unintended consequences and problems if this is done? The courthouse land and structures are on the National Historic Register and Virginia Landmarks Register. They are part of Mathews ...

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