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Letter: Who you are

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
How often have we said: “He or she behaves just like Dad or Mom (or another family member)?” But this isn’t correct. No one is born with their character or habits in place because each one of us must build our own. We may resemble a relative in some way, but the kind of person we are is all ours.
If we build our character to be honest and kind, then it is likely that our habits will follow the same road. When we raise children, we want them to be honest and kind, but they also will build their own character and habits, and parents can take neither the credit nor the blame for how children live their adult lives.
It’s important to remember this, because there will be a positive impact for parents and their children when responsibility is correctly assigned. God created each of us as an individual and this is the foundation we build on.
Dawn Dale
Hayes, Va.

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