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Letter: Who would Jesus have supported?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I read an interesting article the other day titled “What would Jesus do? Break the Rules” by Jason Weidel. He defined modern American Christianity as devolving into a set of beliefs that if you follow the rules you are a good person and things will go well for you.
However, he goes on to demonstrate that Jesus himself was not a rule follower, but spent his time on Earth being a rule breaker and a provoker of the status quo, in order to “reveal the poison in its soul.” He defines Jesus as “a revolutionary, a prophet, a questioner of authority and a box breaker.” And finally, he listed a number of “Blessed” who march, who protest and of those who will never be silent in the face of injustice.
I wonder, if Jesus had been in Charlottesville last Saturday, would he have supported the protesters or counter-protesters?
John Bonner
Gwynn, Va.

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