Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Former Democrat At Large Board of Supervisor Kevin M. Smith, incumbent, Gloucester County Schools employee, as of election 2021 has now turned independent pro 2nd Amendment, pro low taxes candidate. His voting record was against Gloucester County’s 2nd Amendment Sanctuary status and last week (Oct. 19) voted for the $8 million new bus barn/relocation soon to require another tax hike. He ignored a citizen’s proposal to enhance the current 25-acre facility at $2 million taxpayer savings.
His opponent, Teresa Altemus, is always pro 2nd Amendment and reduced tax burden on citizens.
Petsworth Board of Supervisors Republican incumbent Mike Winebarger, business owner, last week voted against the shameful $8 million new bus barn/relocation. He also voted for Gloucester 2A Sanctuary County status.
Independent York incumbent school board candidate Elisa Nelson, businesswoman having experience with children K-12, voted for the anti-CRT resolution, but did not inform const...
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