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Letter: Where are the adults?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Well, here we are again, America—in another big mess. Our government is deadlocked, basically disabled by the division that is rampant in Washington, D.C. Congress is divided and our president, like a petulant child, stomps his foot and refuses to even speak to anyone who disagrees with him. Now, how is that attitude going to solve anything?

Where is the presidential candidate who promised to be one who unites and not a divider? Where is the open and transparent government we were promised? Where is the hope and change? The only change I see cancels any hope I may have wished for over these last five years.

All I hear from this administration, as well as from Senator Harry Reid and Mrs. Pelosi, is name calling and slanderous statements. Saul Alinsky would have been so proud! Where is the adult in the room? Where is the leadership?

Jonnie Adams

Cardinal, Va.


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