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Letter: What’s next for the dysfunctional Dems?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Now that the impeachment debacle by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler has crashed and burned, what’s next for the dysfunctional Democrat Party? Impeachment Part II? Another Iowa mess for Tom Perez, et al? Obstruction of more economic and foreign policy success?
We all know one for thing for sure now, and that is Trump’s positive numbers will continue to climb higher as we near the election in November of 2020.
Who will the Democrats run? Bernie, Mayor Pete, Warren—these three far-left Democrats earned at least 71 percent of the combined vote in Iowa. What a nightmare. Money is on Bernie to win the nomination, but the Democrat Party will throw the kitchen sink at Bernie to knock him out.
Joe Biden will not be the nominee in 2020. He does not even know which state he is in on most days. That leaves Mike Bloomberg in 2020, or perhaps, Hillary … again. Some Democrats are hoping for John Kerry or Michelle Obama to jump in at a brok...

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