Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Our gallant editor has spoken the words of my heart (“The death of reason,” June 19 editorial). I’ve learned not to read your letters to the editor late at night. To read the entrenched declarations of ignorance, the “I’ve got mine, you get out” contempt and condemnation of the less fortunate.
I know some of these letter writers; handsome, well-dressed, literate and well-spoken people. Heaven help suffering humanity if they cannot see that all of us are in this mess together. God is love; if you don’t love your neighbor, then you don’t love God.
As to climate change deniers: The numbers are in. Don’t think those numbers don’t matter because they don’t have dollar signs—they do.
Fear, Hate, Lies—I have more to say about that.
Mary Hyde Berg
Gloucester, Va.
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