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Letter: Weaponizing the courts

Editor, Gazette-Journal:I am hoping there are still some who have not voted and are still uncommitted; otherwise, I am wasting my time. But I am retired, so I have that kind of time. Just in case you are still trying to decide whether to vote for the criminal Republicans or the freedom-loving Democrats, you might want to read this.Yes, Trump has been convicted of numerous charges that maybe should disqualify him from the office he once held, but consider this.Virginia used to have a very popular Republican governor, Bob McDonnell (and I hope Gov. Youngkin is reading this) who became too popular in the eyes of the Democratic leadership (whoever they are) and was suddenly brought up on numerous charges of graft and corruption. He was found guilty and his political career destroyed. But that was not the end. The Supreme Court unanimously overturned all the convictions. Unfortunately, Gov. McDonnell did not have the resources of Donald Trump, so he went back to work where I am sure he is d...

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