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Letter: Vulnerable again

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Remember TV news videos in the early 2000s showing kneeling prisoners in orange jumpsuits lined up waiting to have their throats slit (including American Daniel Pearl)? Or a Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage? Or the rape of Christian Yazidi women?
These were atrocities perpetrated by ISIS, a vicious radical Muslim group formed in 2014. The Obama/Biden administration was unconcerned, referred to them as the JV team, and took little action. Fortunately, early in 2017 during his first Presidency, Trump ordered the CIA to wipe them out. By 2018, ISIS had lost most of its territory and power and in 2019 its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was taken out by U.S. forces ending its reign of terror.
Unfortunately, Biden has allowed these killers to reconstitute as a sort of “virtual caliphate.” They exist on the internet, working to inspire lone-wolf terror attacks in the West. Biden foolishly withdrew completely from Afghanistan, leaving no troops behind at Bagram Air...

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