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Letter: Vote for progress

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I’m always astonished when people say things were better two years ago. Under the previous administration, we were putting bodies in refrigerated trailers because the morgues were overflowing, and funeral homes were overwhelmed. Schools were closed, as were theaters, restaurants, and other businesses; people were out of work and couldn’t find jobs; we were unable to visit with our families and friends and had to spend our holidays alone; we couldn’t even find toilet paper!
Now, schools are open, as are restaurants, theaters, and other businesses; people are traveling; family occasions are back on our calendars; we have widely available vaccines for COVID-19, as well as testing and therapeutics; unemployment is at a 50-year low; wages are up; manufacturing is coming back; our roads and bridges are finally getting necessary repairs; prescription drug prices are coming down for seniors; Social Security benefits are going up; our military veterans are getting the h...

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