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Letter: Vote for our children and our future

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Our children are our future and there are some people subjecting them to things that can have very negative effects on them.
Many unborn children are aborted because the pregnancy is inconvenient. This results in fewer children being born and shows children how unimportant their lives are.
Some children are stolen from their parents and become sexual slaves (reference the movie “Sounds of Freedom”). Others are exposed to drag queens, abortion information, books on sex, men in women’s bathrooms and vice versa, procedures to change one’s sex, etc., without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
Many parents and others are opposed to children being exposed to those things. Besides protesting, they should remember that elections are coming up this year, where they can vote candidates and parties who support those unacceptable things out of office.
I recommend that everyone votes early and encourage others to vote. If you think all candidates are evil, vote for the le...

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