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Letter: Vote Crowley for an independent voice

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Aug. 10 issue of the Gazette-Journal provided some insight into the support for the candidates for Virginia’s 98th Congressional District. The article noted that the incumbent, Keith Hodges, gets his support from corporate America, the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the alcohol distribution business, among others.
Conversely, support for Dr. Sheila Crowley is coming from individuals with some providing donations of $1,000, while the vast majority gives $10s or $100s in donations.
It seems very apparent to me that Dr. Crowley will be an independent voice for the people of the 98th District and not corporate America, like the incumbent. For this reason, I am supporting Dr. Crowley for the 98th District of the Virginia House of Delegates. I encourage others to recognize the need for an independent voice in Richmond and to vote for Dr. Crowley on Nov. 7.
Ted Broderson
Mathews, Va.

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