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Letter: Use native plants

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Virginia’s bird population has plummeted by more than 25 percent since 1970. The same is true across the U.S. Without birds and other pollinators that spread seeds and plants, we humans will find ourselves without plants (aka food!). There are many causes, including loss of habitat due to human development and climate change. What can be done?

I am convinced, in large part by the research and books of Professor Doug Tallamy (University of Delaware), that home gardeners can help save pollinators, humans and our planet by increasing our use of native plants.

Dr. Tallamy argues (and his research supports the argument) that loss of insects and pollinators due to reduced availability of native plants is one of the causes. Many bees, insects, butterflies and birds co-evolved with native plants and are dependent on specific native plants to thrive. The most widely-known relationship is the Monarch butterfly and its dependence on milkweed plants.

Two of Dr. Tallamy’s books—“Nature’s Best Hope: A new approach to conservation that starts in your yard” and “Bringing Nature Home: How you can sustain wildlife with native plants”— are available in Gloucester Library.

The good news is that we can all help by using native plants in our gardens. And, we have local organizations that can help us learn about native plants—the Gloucester Extension Master Gardeners ( and the Northern Neck chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (

And they can help us to find native plants for our gardens. The Northern Neck chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society is having a sale of native plants at Good Luck Cellars in Kilmarnock this Saturday and Sunday. And the Gloucester Master Gardeners will have its annual Plant Extravaganza (including many native plants) at the Moose Lodge on the following Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13 and 14.

I encourage everyone to use native plants.

Ann Williams
Member, GMG and VNPS
Ware Neck, Va.