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Letter: U.S. must support Ukraine

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I sent the following email to Representative Wittman this week. If you agree or disagree with my sentiments, I hope you will contact your representative accordingly.
Representative Wittman, I respectfully request that in whatever form a bill reaches the House floor with $61B of funding for aid to Ukraine that you vote in support of this expenditure and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
The Russians invaded Ukraine without cause and have continued to wage war against a democratic country with a great loss of life to their civilian population and destruction to their infrastructure. As the leader of the free world, the United States must support Ukraine against this kind of aggression.
I believe that if Putin is successful in this war, other NATO countries will be at risk for a similar invasion which will mean U.S. involvement and/or support to NATO allies. It is in our interest to support Ukraine and avoid this possibility.
Phil OlekszykGloucester, Va.

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