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Letter: Trump doing what he said

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Many Democrats have their hair on fire over Elon Musk’s examination of the waste and fraud in the government. They claim he was unelected. So what? We still don’t know who has been running the government for the last four years. It certainly wasn’t Joe Biden. It was only after a disastrous debate and being forced out of the campaign that it became acceptable for some in the party and the press to admit that his mental capacities were seriously diminished. Fortunately, those who had been running things carried him over the finish line.
President Trump is operating at warp speed. He is doing exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. Fancy that! He was elected by a clear majority of the voters, so I would suggest that the dissenters take an objective look at what he is doing and look past the biases of the Mainstream Media.
I look forward to four years where officials in the government are selected on merit rather than because they check off a certain ...

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