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Letter: The next four years

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Thank you, God, for watching over this great nation and the common-sense American people who voted President Donald J. Trump back into the Oval Office. Like our president, America has just dodged a lethal bullet that was encased in the far-left socialist Democratic Party and the state-run media’s propaganda blitz of the last four years.
They have now proven what common-sense Americans have known all along. The state-run media, who are watched predominantly by left-leaning citizens, have lied to you, spread hatred, divisiveness, propaganda and covered every deceitful piece of “news” they could to further an anti-American, pro-socialist agenda.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, Maddow, Morning Joe, Joy Reid and others have now exposed themselves for what they truly are. It’s not the Right that has spewed hatred, racism, class, gender and race warfare among its people; it’s been the Democratic Party leaders and their state-run media. Those listed above who call...

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