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Letter: The future of the American dream

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Several years ago, I expressed on this very page my concerns about the direction our nation is taking.
As we walk down this road, it looks more and more as if our final destination is a socialist country, perhaps even a socialist dictatorship. Believe me, we are not in Kansas anymore, to paraphrase Dorothy. The America I grew up in no longer exists.
Can it be restored or is it too far gone? Only God knows the answer to that question. It would require a change of heart and a renewing of our minds. It would require doing our homework. It means studying our history and returning to the basic values and principles that made this country the great, prosperous nation we once knew.
Are we the brave, freedom-loving people I grew up thinking we were or are we willing to let our American dream slip right through our fingers?
Jonnie Adams
Cardinal, Va.

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