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Letter: The exciting future of the Bay School

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
We are writing to share with the community the exciting future of the Bay School. While we hoped the plans to relocate the Callis house would come to fruition within our proposed time frame, we are now moving forward with our own plans for growth and expansion of the Bay School. Our goal is to develop an arts center in Mathews County that will accommodate more of the community’s wants and needs. We will do this in a thoughtful, responsible and responsive manner.
We invite community members to share their voices through our Build a Better Bay School survey. The online survey can be found on the Bay School web site homepage, Paper copies are available at the Bay School. We respectfully ask that the community use the survey as a means to communicate thoughts and ideas so we can continue to do our work and share our art. The survey offers an opportunity to request a follow-up discussion.
A priority is to transform the property into wel...

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