Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Some letters written recently I feel the need to address.
One was offended by a message on a car window that was felt to be disrespectful to Kamal Harris. I’ve never seen or heard one person cite one thing that Harris did for the country during her tenure. Respect is earned, not given. Biden said from the beginning that he would pick a “woman of color” for VP, but didn’t say anything about their qualifications. Race nor gender qualifies anyone for a job. Meritocracy is what the country’s work ethic was built on and we need to go back to that.
Before the election, words were thrown at conservative Americans such as Nazis, racists, deplorables, misogynists, bigots, garbage and white supremacist, to name a few. The Democratic Party strategy was based on name-calling, trashing Trump and not answering a question of any significance.
Then I read a letter that said an attack on state-run media suggested an attack on the First Amendment. One has absolutely nothing to d...
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