Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Gloucester Department of Social Services would like to thank the members of our community for their generosity for the 2017-2018 school year. The Apple Tree Project was a huge success once again. Thanks to your considerable donations, school supplies were provided to not only the foster children of Gloucester County, but also of the surrounding counties of Middlesex, Mathews, King and Queen and King William.
A special and warm appreciation to Bill Hudgins, who is a tremendous support making sure that all the supplies that are needed are donated to the foster children, and a special thank you to: Brad Hudgins and Luella Manning of Hudgins Auto, Ruth Kean of Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, and Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Dunston from the Abingdon Ruritan Club, who not only raise donations but provide numerous book bags for all the foster children, a donation that is given from Rick Helton here at Gloucester Walmart.
In only a short time, the Gloucester Department of S...
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