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Letter: Thank you, Gloucester

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing today as an individual member of your school board and not on behalf of the entire school board. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the community for their support over the past two years serving as your chairman of the Gloucester School Board. I also want to thank the people of the Abingdon District for their confidence and support to allow me the privilege to serve as their representative.
Over the last several years, we addressed many difficult/challenging issues, such as hiring a new superintendent, maturing some significant construction projects, as well as many others. It is truly refreshing that so many community members, staff, parents and students take time to address the board via phone calls, e-mails and/or appearances at the meetings with your opinions, comments and concerns on topics important to all of us. This was done in support and/or objection regarding various issues that the board made decisions on...

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