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Letter: Telling truth from fiction

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Call it bunk, hogwash, rubbish, or just plain baloney, false information is served up to us on a daily basis.
The motivation is clear: to get our attention, our votes, and our money. The importance of having a working baloney detector grows daily. The approaching election, rise of social media “influencers,” AI that can produce videos indistinguishable from reality, advertisers, and scammers all make appeals that blur the lines between fact, misinformation, and disinformation. Baloney detection (critical thinking) is essential for navigating the current landscape.
Here are a few questions to ask when encountering a message designed to lead you to a certain conclusion or action:

What evidence supports this claim? Look for verifiable data—can you check it out? Is it based on solid evidence or just anecdotes, opinions, or hearsay?
Who benefits from this message? Who gains if you believe or share this information? Is it intended to sell, sway, or manipulate?
Is th...

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