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Letter: Taxation with representation

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The annual push to create an affordable budget is in process. The same departments want their wish list filled to the maximum while those who have a legitimate need are always put on hold. Growing the annual budget never seems to end, thus the cry for more tax money is required to fill the wish list.
The Gloucester Board of Supervisors has only one recourse as recommended by the administration: Raise the real property tax “x” amount of pennies, usually more than necessary, then reach down to the actual amount. A public hearing was held with three special interest groups in attendance and a conservative businessman. This is a poor showing of the population to the board, leaving the opinion that tax and spend is the right way to go in this current inflationary period.
Current inflationary costs override any increase in real property taxes; what is not identified in the budget by line item is the Internet tax return, new real property income at end of fiscal year,...

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