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Letter: Support the Mathews Lions’ fundraiser

Editor, Gazette Journal:
On Saturday, June 8, from 2-5 p.m., the Mathews Lions Club is sponsoring a “take out” Crab Cake Dinner. The Lions Club is well known for these crab cakes of which many of you are aware from them being served at Mathews Market Days. Personally speaking, these are some of the best crab cakes available. Two large crab cakes, pint of coleslaw and hush puppies—a dinner for two—is available for $40.
Some might consider this a bit pricey but I ask you to consider that all profits are returned to the community supporting an array of needs. Just in the past month, the Mathews Lions Club has sponsored two high school scholarships, donated $100 to each of the three Mathews “Teachers of the Year,” given $1,000 to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (free books to children from birth to when they enter school) for our preschoolers, and $150 to National Night Out to be held in August. This club is service centered, consistently supporting an abundance of programs/needs in our...

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