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Letter: Support Parker, Nelson

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
As we close in on our very important local elections next week, our community is now seeing the worst in politicaldiscourse. Do I think it’s important to have turnover on our elected boards? Of course. But we need to know more about potential board members than simply what is (or in this case not) provided via social media.
Have the new candidates met with school officials to build understanding of current strengths and weaknesses within the division? Have these individuals made themselves available in open forums with the public to discuss important school concerns and needs?
Our community is better and smarter than to let new folks be elected to these important positions based upon accusations that current board members have given approval for our students to shower together and room together on overnight trips. The lawsuit regarding bathroom usage that our current board fought to the very end was done with honor. Now that a ruling has been decided the curren...

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