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Letter: Study the options to mitigate global warming

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I wish to thank you for your piece titled “The Death of Reason” that decried the increasing absolutism in our “persons in the position to govern, lead or influence the nation.” I have found this especially true in the area of climate change where I am an advocate of mitigation actions.
There are two aspects, one relates to the scientific data where a degree of absolutism is expected. After all, when you read a thermometer or some other scientific instrument and record the data, there is a large degree of absolutism. However, what you should do about the data when it clearly shows global warming or ocean acidification or increases in intensity of weather events are occurring becomes an open issue.
While I favor one alternative to mitigating global warming, that of putting a price on carbon and remitting the revenues to households, I recognize that there are many alternatives. Another is to use regulations to control emissions or to use vo...

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