Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In 1948 when I wrote this essay the state of Virginia made changes from my essay on how to keep Virginia green. They planted trees where necessary, cleaned out ditches yearly, and kept papers and trash off the road. The churches and other groups had volunteers that went out to pick up trash.
Today, the ditches need attention. Trees are broken and lying partly in the ditch and clogging the ditches, and the highway people don’t clean the leaves out of the ditches. When it rains it floods all over the roads, and leaves, broken branches and trash are coming out of the ditches onto the highway.
On a side road near my house, a little creek runs up to it. They cut the bushes and it is washing away and soon there won’t be a road any more. A cemetery further down is in danger.
The byroads need more attention than they receive.
Fannie Ware
Cardinal, Va.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Fannie Diggs Ware won a $10 prize in 1949, as a 10th grader at Thomas Hunter High Scho...
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