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Letter: Some thoughts on Arizona’s proposed ban

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer actually had to deliberate over whether or not businesses should be legally permitted to refuse service to homosexuals. That’s got to be gratifying to religious fanatics everywhere.
I’m doubtful that any of this movement is based upon sincere Biblical principles, since it’s not likely to be followed by the state’s restaurants turning away the easy-to-spot glutinous segment, day spas turning away sloths, or sports apparel shops not admitting Redskins fans for their crippling sense of pride. And what about adulterers? As anyone who used to invite me to cocktail parties will attest, I can identify one of those sinners in under 90 seconds and block entry just as swiftly. It’s just a gift.
But why can’t we get back to the days when we discriminated non-legally—you know, when we just provided lousy service to people who annoyed us for whatever reason? And when we paid for it? An example that comes ...

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