Editor, Gazette Journal:
Some facts for consideration: There have been some crashes and near misses involving aircraft lately. Seems like perhaps Musk firing air traffic personnel may have contributed to this. Now Musk is asking retired ATC to come back to work. I guess he made a mistake. I wonder how much money it will cost to rehire them?
According to the Department of the Interior, the National Park Service actually makes money. Congress gave NPS $3.4 billion for fiscal year 2024. The parks made $55 billion. They make money!
Parks also provide jobs and improve the economy of local communities. So, why are staff being fired willy nilly? What is the benefit here to We the People? There are rumors that Trump wants to evade environmental practices to cut down our forests. Taking away trees reduces oxygen, thus increasing CO2. Seems foolish to me.
We all agree that there is waste in government. There are professionals who can search for that. They are called auditors and forensic account...
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