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Letter: Smith for Gloucester BOS

Editor, Gazette Journal:
Those of you who were in Gloucester in 2008 should remember that Teresa Altemus as the newly appointed board chairperson relieved Mr. Whitley then the county administrator and Mr. Stuck the county attorney, from their positions the night of Jan. 2, 2008, both of whom had already given termination notices to be effective in less than a month.
Ms. Altemus also forbid them to return to their offices unaccompanied. In addition, prior to being sworn in and being made the chairperson, with the help of her accomplices, Teresa Altemus had previously contracted to hire her friend, Lacy Smith, to become the interim county administrator immediately. We know this from his grand jury testimony. Altemus and her conspirators sought to strike fear and intimidation into the county bureaucracy and employees. All the while, she was keeping her activities from my Petsworth supervisor, Republican Rick Allen, and from supervisor Louise Theberge, also a Republican.
Interestingly, due...

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