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Letter: Signs of the times

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Every fall for the last eight years, I’ve helped erect the large Democratic Party campaign signs you’ll see along Routes 14 and 198 in Mathews County.
Each of these four-by-eight-foot signs, depending on soil composition and weather conditions, takes about 30-45 minutes to put up. Which means standing alongside well-trafficked roads, signs in hand, while drivers honk their support (several quick beeps and a cheer) or opposition (one long blare accompanied by words of discouragement).
Statistically Mathews is very red, so it should come as no surprise that I’ve witnessed far more blares than beeps.
Until this year. Now the beeps are more frequent than ever, and they outnumber the blares overwhelmingly.
There’s a new wave of enthusiasm for the current group of Democratic candidates, particularly Kamala Harris. With her record of public service, her high energy and her aspirational campaign for a more equitable and equalitarian future, Harris stands in stark contr...

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