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Letter: Signs of choice

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Signs of choice are showing up in and around the area. They announce the candidacy of Sheila Crowley for representative of the 98th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.
I would like to thank Sheila Crowley for stepping up and offering all of us a choice for our representative in Richmond from Gloucester, Mathews, Middlesex, King and Queen, and Essex counties.
Her lifelong devotion to fighting for fair housing for all is a compelling story that explains why she is such a viable candidate for us. Her focus on affordable housing has given her experience dealing with so many other issues that plague those who are less fortunate among us. 
But don’t just read my letter of support for Sheila Crowley to make up your mind about your vote in November. Take a serious look at her qualifications and experiences that are outlined on her website or find out where you can go to meet her for a face-to-face conversation.  
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