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Letter: Showers of blessings

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

God has blessed me in many ways over the years, such as placing the right people in my life: my brothers Bryce and Ray, my friends Walker, Pearce, Natallie, Robbie and Jermaine, my cousins Kayden and Matthew. They have brought so much joy into my life. Not to mention my first crush back in kindergarten that I fell head over heels for and now truly miss, because she kept a smile on my face constantly. She took good care of me when I busted my chin for the first time as I waited for my mom to come get me from school to get stitches.

Becoming a greeter at church on Sunday morning. Having a green thumb to plant an herb garden. The most important thing ever, making things out of different stuff like beads.

I’m so grateful for all of those blessings and thank God for them. Oh yeah, one more thing: I’m super grateful that I was able to attend the Bluegrass Festival at the Moose Lodge on Saturday, June 15. It was so much fun.

Scotty AdamsGloucester, Va.

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